Truck Loader 3




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Hey kids! Let's dive into Truck Loader 3, a cool puzzle game you can play on your Chromebook computer browser! Your mission? Collect all the cargo and load them onto a truck. You'll drive a forklift to gather up boxes scattered throughout each level. Make sure you grab every box to finish the level! Sometimes you'll need to push buttons, pull levers, and figure out other tricks to collect all the cargo. Can you solve all the puzzles and complete every level in Truck Loader 3? Put your thinking caps on and let's find out! Plus, you can play in full-screen mode for the best experience, and there are no annoying ads to distract you while you play. So, let's load up those trucks and get moving!


Move left/right - A/D

Jump - W

Pick up boxes - Aim and tap/click

About the creator:

Truck Loader 3 was created by 7Spot Games

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